Запчасти Volvo L330E L330E
- 54983 Двигатель в сборе
- 8356 Ремкомплект двигателя
- 61761 Головка блока цилиндров
- 100993 Блок цилиндров
- 39128 Блок цилиндров
- 62211 Crankcase ventilation
- 20851 Cylinder liner and piston
- 62212 Valve mechanism
- 49895 Timing gear casing and covers
- 57138 Распредвал
- 61762 Timing gear casing and gears
- 90561 Filler pipe
- 17983 Картер маховика
- 39129 Crankshaft and related parts
- 86667 Oil sump
- 41573 Установка двигателя
- 20823 Система масляной смазки
- 72826 Насос масляный
- 57139 Фильтр масляный
- 93540 Oil filter with fitting parts
- 20824 Масляный радиатор
- 16757 Сепаратор влагоотделителя
- 33131 Фильтр топливный
- 92200 Feed pump
- 65992 Fuel tank with fitting parts
- 50210 Fuel pipes, injection pump - fuel filter - fuel injector
- 61763 Fuel pipes, fuel tank - injection pump
- 20827 Fuel injection pump with fitting parts
- 20862 Centrifugal governor
- 34892 Fuel injection pump with fitting parts
- 62213 Pump drive
- 88704 Насос
- 34895 Форсунка топливная (инжектор)
- 62214 Fuel lines, injectors
- 46411 Inlet manifold and exhaust manifold
- 52317 Выхлопная система
- 38420 Турбокомпрессор (турбина) с установочными деталями
- 20864 Фильтр воздушный
- 33863 Air filter with fitting parts
- 44032 Oil bath air filter with fitting parts
- 57708 Oil bath air filter with fitting parts
- 84358 Oil bath air filter
- 44035 Intercooler
- 20835 Coolant filter
- 22315 Expansion tank with fitting parts
- 97899 Radiator with fitting parts
- 38421 Water pump with fitting parts
- 38753 Extra water pump
- 62215 Extra water pump with fitting parts
- 83825 Thermostathousing with fitting parts
- 10366 Вентилятор и кожух
- 44039 Reversible fan
- 66197 Fan drive
- 46413 Engine heater
- 63491 Engine heater
- 22707 Accelerator pedal
- 58985 Hand throttle control
- 63202 Battery box with fitting parts
- 20840 Drive belt
- 52321 Alternator with assembling details
- 52404 Alternator, 80A
- 57709 Alternator with assembling details
- 21615 Starter motor with assembling details
- 21616 Starter motor
- 104141 Pre-heater with fitting parts
- 35949 Предпусковой подогреватель в сборе
- 3668 Lighting, cab
- 45099 Lighting, front
- 21618 Lighting, rear
- 57163 Work lights, rear
- 21619 Back-up warning unit
- 46416 Revolving warning light
- 5944 Windshield wiper, rear
- 61658 Windshield wiper, front
- 76082 Шайба лобового стекла (ветрового)
- 104139 Cable harness, secondary steering system
- 43506 Cable harness, front
- 44041 Cable harness, ceiling
- 44046 Cable harness, central lubrication
- 46194 Battery cable and main switch
- 46418 Cable harnesses, instrument panel
- 46419 Rear cable harness with assembly parts
- 52323 Cable harness, engine ECU
- 52325 Cable harness, rear
- 57164 Cable harness, alternator
- 57165 Cable harness, electricaldistrib. unit - engine E-ECU
- 57166 Cable harnesses, cab
- 57168 Cable harness, radiator
- 57169 Cable harnesses, servo valve
- 57170 Cable harness for monitor
- 57174 Cable harness, electr. heated rear-view mirror
- 57710 Cable harness, under cab
- 57711 Cable harness, CDC - steering
- 59895 Cable harness, automatic temperature control
- 59896 Cable harness, automatic temperature control
- 61458 Cable harnesses, single lever control
- 61459 Cable harnesses, belly guards
- 61460 Bucket positioner and boom kickout
- 69130 Cable harness, central lubrication
- 42713 Electrical distribut.unit and cable harness
- 57177 Electrical distribut.unit and cable harness
- 61461 Electrical distribution box
- 61462 Circuit board
- 104142 Connectors
- 31393 Pin insulator
- 49253 Hose and manifold
- 55885 Cable terminal
- 61330 Палец
- 61332 Humidity-proof connections
- 64330 Insulator for spade terminal
- 81421 Wires
- 82485 Housings for timers and tabs
- 86260 Spade terminal
- 37089 Side panel
- 61463 Переключатель
- 84756 Switch panel
- 98325 Instrument panel
- 42539 Sensors, reference list
- 96497 Relays, sensors and solenoid valves, reference list
- 10091 Camera inclusive monitor
- 44048 Camera inclusive monitor
- 103748 Voltage converter and cable harness for radio
- 12915 Transmission oil pump andpump drive
- 35014 Torque converter, Power take-off
- 3519 Насос коробки передач (трансмиссии, КПП)
- 45511 Torque converter, mounting
- 57180 Pressure limiting valve
- 61764 Torque converter
- 12917 Transmission: refill, drain
- 12919 Transmission filter
- 12921 Speed Sensor
- 12922 Reverse shaft
- 12924 Ленивец (Направляющее колесо гусеницы)
- 12925 Clutch shaft, 1st & 3rd
- 12927 Clutch shaft, 2nd & 4th
- 12928 Output gear
- 24380 Клапан регулирующий (распределительный)
- 24382 Transmission housing and internal tubing
- 35015 Input shaft, forward
- 44049 Transmission: Oil filter, oil lines
- 45553 Testing nipples
- 57187 Transmission: Suction- and return pipes
- 57188 Damping valve block
- 61765 Power transmission
- 61766 Clutch drum, Forward & reverse
- 61767 Clutch drum, First & second
- 61768 Clutch drum, Third & fourth
- 77662 Transmission: Suction- and return pipes
- 18688 Gear box housing with fitting parts
- 100631 Вал карданный
- 12929 Propeller shaft, mounting
- 12930 Вал карданный
- 12931 Support bearing
- 18692 Planet carrier, front
- 77844 Differential carrier, forward
- 86169 Axle, front
- 12933 Мост задний (ось)
- 18694 Planet carrier, rear
- 82913 Differential carrier, rear
- 74747 Ventilation
- 18696 Масляный радиатор
- 12936 Wheel brake, front
- 84566 Wheel brake, rear
- 48316 Brake system
- 10093 Brake lines, footbrake valve - axles
- 12938 Система охлаждения для тормозов (тормозная): фильтры
- 18699 Brake cooling system: front lines
- 18700 Система охлаждения для тормозов (тормозная): обратная линия
- 46103 Система охлаждения для тормозов (тормозная)
- 71862 Система охлаждения для тормозов (тормозная)
- 18703 Dual brake pedals
- 46104 Footbrake valve, mounting
- 63492 Footbrake valve
- 100699 Гидроаккумулятор
- 8875 Valve and accumulators
- 12939 Система стояночного тормоза
- 12940 Parking brake
- 12942 Parking brake, brake cylinder
- 38802 Adjustable steering wheel
- 42718 Adjustable steering wheel
- 89999 Steering column with fitting parts
- 104981 Flow amplifier with fitting parts
- 25685 Flow amplifier
- 30403 Valve housing
- 43598 Steering system. Lines, Control valve-cylinders
- 57189 Hydraulic cylinder with fitting parts
- 66198 Feed and return lines - flow amplifier
- 76621 Steering unit
- 96991 Гидроцилиндр
- 25687 Pressure monitor
- 57303 Гидронасос рулевой
- 66199 Secondary steering system
- 104140 Relief valve
- 44050 CDC-steering
- 71863 Frame
- 10373 Belly guard, rear
- 10374 Belly guard, front
- 12946 Protective grid
- 25689 Protecting plate
- 44051 Belly guard, front
- 5946 Protection for lighting
- 25691 Противовес
- 62928 Противовес
- 66359 Rear hitch and counterweight
- 38586 Axle suspension
- 14041 Wheel
- 25692 Drivers cab
- 25693 Cab body: roof and floor panel
- 25694 Cab mounting block
- 104691 Side hatches
- 42447 Hatches, guard, hydraulic fluid tank
- 63203 Крышка двигателя
- 71864 Side hatches
- 95436 Radiator casing
- 38588 Mud guards
- 42449 Mud guards
- 42451 Swing out rear mudguard
- 42543 Running board
- 67235 Foot step
- 14047 Door with fitting parts
- 5947 Door
- 42455 Filter cover
- 57712 Rear view mirrors
- 90600 Rear view mirror
- 14048 Windows
- 18009 Glass panes
- 18010 Sliding window
- 67684 Insulating matting
- 42456 Instructors seat
- 47669 Operators seat, heated, air suspensioned
- 57304 Operators seat, heated, air suspensioned, ISRI
- 82049 Operator seat with fitting parts
- 88291 Operator seat with fitting parts
- 34601 Roll-over bar
- 38589 Windshild guard for windshield
- 93541 Window guards, side and rear windows
- 25705 Noise reduction
- 25707 Fresh air inlet, air filter and fan housing
- 35354 Fan
- 42458 Air filter
- 5950 Air ducts
- 71731 Automatic temperature control
- 81335 Radiator and control
- 25710 Air-compressor with fitting parts
- 25714 Compressor
- 57713 Assembly hoses: Evaparator, receiver drier, condenser
- 57805 Evaporator, assembly
- 82380 Condenser, assembly
- 27970 Radio bracket
- 42545 Instrument panel
- 20604 Anti-theft
- 25715 Interior components
- 25716 Cover for servo valves
- 32604 Lunch box holder
- 42465 Interior components, sun blinds
- 42546 Armrest
- 42547 CDC - steering, sheet metal parts
- 61464 Arm rest
- 84956 Armrest
- 14311 Инструменты для ремонта
- 20605 Насос
- 20606 Tools oil test
- 63204 Toolbox
- 43090 Illustrations of sign plates and decals
- 5951 Sign plates and decals
- 10638 Draining line - control valve
- 22830 Гидробак
- 36975 Suction line tank - pump
- 45559 Load sensing line
- 48327 Oil-bleed line, pump
- 51747 Draining line, central block
- 57191 Hydraulic oil-cooler
- 66200 Feed line, pump - central block
- 66201 Lift function
- 66202 Tilt function
- 66203 Hydraulic oil-cooler
- 71715 Hydraulic fluid filter
- 74718 Гидробак
- 76293 Feed- and return lines - control valve
- 80869 Tilt function
- 14313 Control valve with fitting parts
- 44485 Valve body: Central block
- 66204 Valve body with assembly parts
- 75380 Клапан регулирующий (распределительный)
- 14314 Hydraulic pump with fitting parts
- 16459 Гидронасос (основной насос)
- 57193 Гидронасос (основной насос)
- 97193 Насос
- 10556 Valve, "return to dig"
- 10639 Servo - hydraulic, feed and return lines
- 14315 Servo - hydraulic, control lines, lift
- 16463 Servo valve with fitting parts
- 33875 Servo valve with fitting parts
- 34332 Control valve
- 46107 Servo - hydraulic, control lines, tilt
- 80614 Servo valve, single levercontrol
- 97601 Servo valve
- 10559 Attachment locking
- 16467 Relief valve
- 16468 Connecting block
- 48328 Boom suspension system
- 66205 Pressure lines, 3rd function
- 94370 Relief valve
- 95800 Extra hydraulic equipment 3rd hydraulic control
- 42466 Tool bar
- 100326 Гидроцилиндр (цилиндр) подъемный
- 3083 Hydraulic cylinder, tilting
- 3090 Hydraulic cylinder, tilting
- 42467 Lifting unit
- 42468 Control arms
- 57194 Bucket positioner and boom kickout
- 42722 Насос
- 43590 Central lubrication
- 57714 Extended lube points for lift arm system
- 67790 Central lubrication, B3
- 70721 Central lubrication, B1
- 71050 Central lubrication, B2