Запчасти Volvo L220D L220D SER NO 1001-
- 35084 Ремкомплект двигателя
- 52910 Двигатель в сборе
- 22427 Головка блока цилиндров
- 35085 Блок цилиндров
- 84928 Crankcase ventilation
- 99815 Блок цилиндров
- 12146 Cylinder liner and piston
- 9719 Cylinder liner and piston
- 35086 Valve mechanism
- 53873 Timing gear casing and gears
- 56986 Распредвал
- 131 Картер маховика
- 22430 Crankshaft and related parts
- 67791 Oil sump
- 48744 Установка двигателя
- 56989 Система масляной смазки
- 98033 Насос масляный
- 431 Oil filter (by pass)
- 56990 Oil filter housing
- 84133 Oil-cooler, oilfilter with mountings
- 39482 Oil cooler with hoses
- 104666 Feed pump
- 21395 Фильтр топливный
- 2667 Сепаратор влагоотделителя
- 27341 Топливный бак (бензобак)
- 77864 Fuel tank with fitting parts
- 86411 Fuel tank with fitting parts
- 2 Fuel pipes, injection pump - fuel filter
- 27342 Fuel pipes, fuel tank - injection pump
- 32783 Pump drive
- 32784 Centrifugal governor, continued
- 57567 Fuel injection pump with fitting parts
- 57569 Smoke limiter
- 58938 Centrifugal governor
- 88456 Насос
- 57570 Fuel lines, injectors
- 63374 Форсунка топливная (инжектор)
- 27347 Inlet manifold and exhaust manifold
- 32780 Exhaust system, silencer
- 21406 Турбокомпрессор (турбина)
- 75757 Турбокомпрессор (турбина) с установочными деталями
- 21408 Фильтр воздушный
- 77977 Oil bath air filter
- 82618 Air filter
- 85402 Oil bath air filter with fitting parts
- 91167 Air filter with fitting parts
- 57571 Intercooler
- 81313 Система охлаждения
- 82912 Coolant drainage
- 96367 Система охлаждения
- 31981 Coolant filter
- 85452 Expansion tank with fitting parts
- 90572 Radiator with fitting parts
- 27835 Water pump with fitting parts
- 34671 Водяной насос
- 76556 Трубка водяная
- 21413 Гидромотор
- 58939 Вентилятор и кожух
- 84323 Fan drive
- 21414 Engine heater
- 32792 Regulator control
- 81832 Pedal
- 31982 Hand throttle control
- 52473 Key turn engine stop
- 66165 Battery box with fitting parts
- 21416 Alternator
- 21417 Alternator
- 32786 Alternator with assembling details
- 34674 Alternator 80a with fitting parts
- 21418 Starter motor with assembling details
- 34676 Starter motor
- 32793 Pre-heater with fitting parts
- 30461 Lighting, cab
- 84412 Lighting, front
- 84441 Work lights, front
- 21419 Work lights, rear
- 99418 Lighting, rear
- 21420 Rotating beacon
- 21421 Back-up warning unit
- 32791 Revolving warning light
- 3059 Windshield wiper, rear
- 32796 Windscreen washer
- 60913 Windshield wiper, front
- 19454 Cable harness for transmission with assembly parts
- 32797 Cable harnesses, rear
- 33436 Cable harness, compressor
- 34680 Battery cable and main switch
- 52474 Cable harness, transmission
- 57578 Cable harness, front
- 57579 Cable harness, under cab
- 57580 Cable harnesses, cab
- 57581 Cable harness, panel
- 57582 Cable harnesses, headlining
- 57584 Cable harnesses, servo valve
- 57585 Cable harnesses, gear lever carrier
- 57586 Cable harness for radio
- 57588 Cable harness, air conditioning. Cab
- 57589 Cable harness, boom suspension system
- 57590 Cable harness, attachmentbracket
- 57591 Cable harness for 3rd and 4th function
- 57592 Cable harness for central lubrication
- 66894 Cable harness, air-suspensioned seat
- 66895 Cable harness, CDC-steering
- 66896 Electrical equipment, air conditioning
- 66897 Cable harness, air-suspensioned seat
- 82091 Rear cable harness with assembly parts
- 82769 Cable harness, secondary steering system
- 91303 Front cable harness with assembly parts
- 57595 Electrical distribut.unit and cable harness
- 66898 Electrical distribution box
- 66899 Circuit board
- 103461 Connectors
- 42256 Pin insulator
- 49142 Hose and manifold
- 50075 Палец
- 50076 Humidity-proof connections
- 55464 Cable terminal
- 64311 Insulator for spade terminal
- 82711 Housings for timers and tabs
- 83305 Wires
- 85582 Spade terminal
- 100202 Instrument panel
- 37890 Side panel
- 66900 Переключатель
- 86241 Sensors, reference list
- 104333 Voltage converter and cable harness for radio
- 26731 Torque converter
- 26732 Hydraulic transmission with fitting parts
- 54476 Repair kit for transmission
- 83335 Ventilation for transmission
- 83920 Oil filler, level inspection glass and drainage
- 97747 Testing block
- 26735 Hydraulic clutch, 3rd / 4th speed
- 49190 Range selector valve
- 54716 Oil distributor, tube and filter
- 57622 Hydraulic clutch, forward / 1 st speed
- 57623 Hydraulic clutch, reverse / 2nd speed
- 66301 Converter housing, gears and shafts
- 84300 Range selector valve withfitting parts
- 97748 Lubricating oil valve
- 99363 Lubricating oil valve with fitting parts
- 24197 Transfer case, housing and covers
- 56181 Transfer case, gears and shafts
- 46074 Gear box housing with fitting parts
- 26741 Propeller shafts with fitting parts
- 51824 Вал карданный
- 58942 Вал карданный
- 85516 Planet shafts with fitting parts
- 103516 Final drive, front
- 26743 Planet shaft, front
- 104907 Final drive, rear
- 79059 Planet shaft, rear
- 47732 Differential lock, hydraulic line
- 6 Differential lock
- 88427 Масляный радиатор
- 24190 Disc brake, front
- 61222 Multi-disc brake, rear
- 98396 Brake system
- 17909 Трубки тормозные переднего и заднего моста
- 24205 Клапан обратный
- 51179 Система охлаждения для тормозов (тормозная)
- 82375 Система охлаждения для тормозов (тормозная)
- 86110 Oil cooler, forword. Motor circuit
- 86534 Oil cooler, forword. Pump circuit
- 63375 Footbrake valve
- 95506 Valve and accumulators
- 10699 Parking brake
- 91000 Система стояночного тормоза
- 429 Brake shield
- 86289 Dual brake pedals
- 41248 Adjustable steering wheel
- 82186 Steering column with fitting parts
- 21379 Steering system: hoses, shift valve - steering cylinder
- 21380 Steering system: hoses, shift valve - steering cylinder
- 28227 Hydraulic cylinder with fitting parts
- 29810 Steering unit
- 29811 Valve housing
- 54316 Гидроцилиндр
- 56082 Рулевая система
- 73425 Shift valve
- 10230 Secondary steering system
- 24216 Pump unit
- 24217 Pump unit
- 24218 Pressure monitor
- 103460 Relief valve
- 105621 CDC - steering
- 58802 Frame
- 24219 Protecting plates
- 24220 Belly guard, front
- 28230 Belly guard, rear
- 47434 Protection for lighting
- 63932 Rear hitch and counterweight
- 28231 Frame link
- 85554 Wheels
- 24223 Cab
- 24224 Cab. Replacement version
- 438 Cab body: roof and floor panel
- 24225 Cab mounting block
- 105694 Side panel
- 89302 Engine hood
- 92426 Крышка двигателя
- 97485 Hatch
- 66166 Radiator casing
- 84301 Корпус радиатора и решетка
- 66167 Fenders
- 85400 Mud guards
- 32798 Swing out rear mudguard
- 32799 Foot step
- 54418 Door with fitting parts
- 96510 Door
- 32800 Side hatches
- 32801 Filter cover
- 66168 Side hatches
- 32802 Rear view mirrors
- 84439 Rear view mirror
- 10524 Glass panes
- 21236 Sliding window
- 28352 Windows
- 68416 Insulating matting
- 32803 Instructors seat
- 32804 Instructors seat
- 45227 Operators seat, ISRI
- 45228 Operators seat
- 54420 Operators seat
- 58803 Drivers seat
- 58804 Drivers seat
- 60108 Operator seat with fitting parts
- 60514 Operators seat, ISRI
- 62073 Operators seat, heated, air suspensioned
- 62074 Operators seat, heated, air suspensioned
- 39895 Windshild guard for windshield
- 63933 Window guards, side and rear windows
- 38112 Noise reduction
- 23826 Fresh air inlet, air filter and fan housing
- 26612 Fan
- 3060 Air ducts
- 39483 Air filter
- 75079 Radiator and control
- 81635 Система отопления (обогрева)
- 24092 Compressor for cooling agent R134a with fitting parts
- 24095 Air compressor
- 46516 Condenser for cooling agent R134a with fitting parts
- 57789 Evaporator for cooling agent R134a with fitting parts
- 90965 Assembly of hose: evaparator, receiver drier and condenser
- 10 Instrument panel
- 33816 Radio bracket
- 3528 Radio bracket
- 20903 Lunch box holder
- 24098 Interior components
- 24100 Cover for servo valves
- 33817 Interior components, sun blinds
- 33818 CDC - steering. Arm rest with fitting parts
- 58805 Cover for servo valve, 3rd / 4th hydraulic function
- 82358 Armrest
- 40577 Насос
- 49143 Инструменты для ремонта
- 88132 Tool box
- 24101 Decals
- 3061 Sign plates and decals
- 24103 Hydraulic system, suction line
- 24104 Hydraulic system, leak-off line from pump to tank
- 28084 Hydraulic system, return line - central- block
- 31 Hydraulic system, leak-off line
- 33822 Hydraulic system, load sensing line
- 48083 Hydraulic system, feed and return lines
- 50077 Гидробак
- 54717 Hydraulic system, feed line from pumps to valve body
- 58941 Масляный радиатор
- 59019 Hydraulic system, lift function
- 68290 Hydraulic fluid filter
- 99593 Hydraulic system, tilt function
- 28085 Control valve with fitting parts
- 40 Connecting block
- 43964 Valve housing
- 67129 Direction valve
- 74288 Клапан регулирующий (распределительный)
- 20907 Compensator
- 22476 Гидронасос (основной насос)
- 48445 Hydraulic pump with fitting parts
- 48446 Гидронасос (основной насос)
- 58801 Compensator
- 10232 Servo - hydraulic
- 45 Servo - hydraulic, Connecting block
- 97589 Servo valve with fitting parts
- 103064 Servo valve
- 22480 Valve, circuit body and return valve
- 33444 Load sensing line, 3rd and 4th function
- 54719 Hydraulic system, feed and return lines 3rd function
- 54722 Hydraulic system, 3rd and 4th function. Feed and return lines
- 56086 Pressure lines, 3rd function
- 56087 Pressure lines, 3rd and 4th function
- 70743 Boom suspension system
- 85191 Valve, circuit body and return valve
- 91770 Hydraulic system, attachment bracket
- 92899 Servo - hydraulic. 3rd and 4th function
- 96256 Servo - hydraulic 3rd function
- 38671 Hydraulic cylinder
- 47907 Tool bar
- 104397 Hydraulic cylinder, tilt
- 20910 Hydraulic cylinder, tilt
- 22021 Forward links with fitting parts
- 22022 Assemble attachment bracket
- 28090 Extended lube points for lift arm system
- 40599 Rear links with assembly parts
- 4169 Гидроцилиндр (цилиндр) подъемный
- 58806 Гидроцилиндр подъемный и толкающий с запасными частями
- 72114 Lifting frame work with assembly parts
- 90660 Bucket positioner and boom kickout
- 25784 Central lubrication with fitting parts
- 25786 Pump:central lubrication
- 56088 Central lubrication, tool bar
- 56089 Distribution block, B1
- 56090 Distribution block, B3
- 65364 Pump:central lubrication
- 70126 Central lubrication, B1
- 70127 Central lubrication, B2
- 70128 Central lubrication, B3
- 70129 Distribution block, B2