Запчасти Volvo L160 L160 VOLVO BM L160
- 104384 Engine with fitting parts
- 25960 Timing gear casing and gears
- 2851 Распредвал
- 28795 Ремкомплект двигателя
- 28796 Crankshaft and related parts
- 29040 Головка блока цилиндров
- 29041 Установка двигателя
- 4193 Блок цилиндров
- 98930 Блок цилиндров
- 99758 Блок цилиндров
- 2858 Filter housing
- 4194 Distribution housing
- 69175 Oil filter and oil cooler
- 75937 Oil filter and oil cooler
- 78073 Система масляной смазки
- 97980 Насос масляный
- 15270 Smoke limiter
- 15272 Slurry separator
- 15273 Фильтр топливный
- 15767 Fuel tubes
- 17730 Fuel filter
- 22281 Injection pump with drive
- 31828 Fuel filter
- 53959 Топливная система
- 63330 Форсунка топливная (инжектор)
- 66355 Топливный бак (бензобак)
- 68635 Centrifugal governor
- 72790 Centrifugal governor
- 88667 Injection pump
- 89366 Насос
- 90900 Pump drive
- 97484 Feed pump
- 15281 Турбокомпрессор (турбина)
- 15283 Фильтр воздушный
- 22340 Фильтр воздушный
- 2528 Турбокомпрессор (турбина)
- 31056 Oil-bath filter
- 38089 Intercooler with hoses
- 40397 Выхлопная система
- 70504 Турбокомпрессор (турбина) с установочными деталями
- 72455 Система впуска
- 81345 Exhaust pipe with water injector
- 22298 Система охлаждения
- 22342 Water pump with fitting parts
- 22343 Водяной насос
- 22344 Cooling system, compactorwith fitting parts
- 31832 Coolant filter
- 40398 Radiator with fitting parts
- 65949 Belt transmission
- 73263 Regulator control
- 23720 Battery box
- 42157 Battery with assembling details
- 15620 Alternator
- 15621 Alternator
- 1970 Brushless alternator withfitting parts
- 31561 Alternator with assembling details
- 15624 Starter motor
- 11151 Rotating beacon
- 11152 Protection lighting
- 15628 Headlamp
- 17734 Rotating beacon with fitting parts
- 37127 Lighting
- 52915 Lighting. (usa)
- 15629 Стеклоочиститель лобового стекла (ветрового)
- 15636 Fan
- 17735 Reverse-motion alarm. (usa)
- 22309 Loud tone horn
- 2530 Шайба лобового стекла (ветрового)
- 50501 Windshield wiper. signal horn and reflexes
- 11158 Cable harness distribution box
- 11160 Tachometer / speedomeeter
- 11161 Предпусковой подогреватель в сборе
- 11163 Control lever
- 11428 Electrical equipment 4:th and 5:th function
- 11430 Electrical equipment 4:th and 5:th function
- 11439 Electrical equipement fortrailer brake control
- 17736 Electrical system cab
- 17737 Electric system front
- 18063 Instrument
- 18349 Electrical equipment
- 22311 Kickdown function
- 22312 Kickdown function
- 3526 Electric system rear
- 3544 Electric equipment for boom suspension
- 3546 Secondary steering system
- 3552 Comfort drive control, electrical system
- 3553 Cable harness for air conditioning
- 38093 Instrument panel
- 40866 Starter element with fitting parts. (usa)
- 52424 Instrument panel
- 52427 Comfort drive control, electrical system
- 72884 Electrical distribution box
- 11165 Radio panel
- 11166 Radio panel
- 11451 Torque converter
- 51985 Repair kit for transmission
- 70566 Torque converter
- 100731 Converter housing with fitting parts
- 15648 Hydraulic clutch forward / 1:st speeds
- 15649 Hydraulic clutch forward / 1:st speeds
- 15650 Hydraulic clutch 3rd / 4th speeds
- 15651 Hydraulic clutch 3rd / 4th speeds
- 15652 Hydraulic clutch reverse / 2nd speeds
- 15653 Hydraulic clutch reverse / 2nd speeds
- 15655 Pressure limiting valve
- 16752 Converter housing: gear and shafts
- 20234 Насос
- 2704 Gear changing unit
- 77877 Hydraulic transmission with fitting parts
- 92059 Lubricating oil valve
- 96954 Oil filter and testing block
- 20238 Parking brake
- 2861 Parking brake
- 46699 Transfer gearbox housing and cover
- 51986 Transfer gearbox gears and shafts
- 15658 Вал карданный
- 20239 Propeller shafts with fitting parts
- 20240 Вал карданный
- 16758 Differential lock
- 18355 Differential lock pneumatic system
- 457 Driveshafts with assembly parts
- 62121 Final drive
- 62122 Final drive
- 88315 Drive shaft, front
- 90157 Мост ведущий задний
- 46700 Масляный радиатор
- 20246 Brake / planetary shaft
- 20247 Disc brake
- 24984 Hydraulic system rear
- 28142 Trailer brake control
- 2862 Hydraulic system front
- 3554 Reservoir
- 39943 Масляный бак
- 74272 Double brake pedals
- 24990 Brake unit
- 28879 Diapragm cylinder
- 99682 Parking brake
- 11416 Air compressor
- 16762 Anti-freeze reservoir
- 18357 Pressure gauge
- 20256 Footbrake valve with mountings
- 20259 Brake unit
- 20260 Regulator
- 2863 Pneumatic system with componets
- 56295 Footbrake valve
- 81400 Air-compressor with fitting parts
- 85006 Pneumatic system pipes
- 102806 Relief valve
- 18950 Adjustable steering wheel
- 18951 Valves
- 18952 Steering unit
- 18953 Vane pump
- 18954 Гидронасос (основной насос)
- 18958 Valve with fitting parts
- 19054 Steering column with fitting parts
- 1977 Valve with fitting parts
- 25002 Гидроцилиндр
- 32301 Pump unit
- 33590 Secondary steering system
- 4058 Steering system: components and hoses
- 4060 Steering system: components and hoses
- 53293 Comfort Driving Control
- 53294 Comfort Driving Control
- 64173 Relief valve
- 92037 Steering system: fitting parts
- 98446 Secondary steering system
- 99352 Steering system: fitting parts
- 31058 Protector plates and bottom plates
- 31059 Protector for brake line
- 39945 Protecting plates
- 4062 Frame
- 28293 Wheel cleaner
- 31060 Compaktor wheels
- 96561 Wheel
- 97392 Wheel
- 98659 Wheel
- 16764 Cab body
- 18961 Operators cab
- 22664 Radiator casing
- 23721 Engine hood
- 23726 Radiator shell
- 31062 Protecting plates
- 31063 Ladder
- 32106 Dust cover
- 40648 Fitting parts for engine plates
- 40649 Front and rear mudguards
- 52430 Door
- 52433 Door
- 22667 Window
- 31064 Windscreen
- 4065 Lock and handle
- 43341 Vent pane
- 96828 Glass panes and interior components
- 17519 Seat
- 17520 Foldable arm rest lever steering, Cdc
- 2864 Drivers seat with fitting parts
- 3353 Operators seat
- 40650 Drivers seat & mountings
- 40651 Insulating mats
- 4066 CDC - steering, plate details
- 54409 Operators seat, heated, air suspensioned
- 16430 Controls
- 16767 Controls
- 18192 Air conditioning
- 22551 Auxiliary fresh air outlet
- 29341 Fan
- 33027 Air-conditioning evaporator
- 47892 Air compressor
- 52439 Air ducts
- 52448 Air ducts
- 67381 Radiator with assembly p
- 84246 Heating system, hoses
- 84923 Radiator with assembly p
- 512 Lgf-sign
- 52142 Инструменты для ремонта
- 65950 Sign plates and decals
- 65951 Sign plates and decals
- 65952 Sign plates and decals
- 69832 Tyre-inflating equipment
- 102805 Hydraulic system: feed lines
- 106257 Vane pump
- 10792 Control valve
- 15445 Фильтр топливный
- 15447 Гидронасос (основной насос)
- 15451 Control valve: slide and spring Guide
- 15454 Overflow valve
- 15456 Pressure valve
- 15458 Pressure balancing 3:rd function
- 15459 Level lock
- 15460 Level lock
- 1704 Гидробак
- 21222 Boom lowering system
- 22582 Servo-system servo valve
- 22884 Hydraulic cylinder tilting
- 22887 Servo-system control lines
- 22888 Pressure balancing 3:rd function
- 23959 3:rd function
- 259 Level lock
- 28143 Фильтр топливный
- 31066 Насос масляный
- 31562 Control valve
- 31564 Control valve
- 33598 Boom lowering system
- 39946 Anchorage to control valve
- 44734 Клапан предохранительный (разгрузочный, сброса давления)
- 45935 Гидроцилиндр (цилиндр) подъемный
- 45936 Гидроцилиндр (цилиндр) подъемный
- 58181 Wrist support
- 58182 Wrist support
- 71987 Servo System: feed lines
- 8571 Control valve: valve
- 92524 Lifting hydraulic
- 92775 Lifting hydraulic
- 94749 Tilting hydraulic
- 95410 Hydraulic system: feed lines
- 96264 Tilting hydraulic
- 98517 Servo-system control lines
- 99254 Servo valve
- 99335 Servo-system: feed lines
- 106596 Vane pump
- 15469 Гидронасос (основной насос)
- 15470 Пилотный (шестерёнчатый) насос
- 15472 Клапан обратный
- 16062 Relief valve
- 16064 Servo valve
- 16065 Servo valve
- 16105 Magnet valve
- 16110 Pump unit
- 16111 Насос
- 16112 Pump unit
- 16114 Relief valve
- 1708 Loading unit
- 20430 Solenoid valve with fitting parts
- 21945 Servo valve with fitting parts
- 22585 Automatic lubricating
- 22589 Automatic lubricating
- 22894 Hydraulic pumps with fitting parts
- 22899 Automatic lubricating
- 22901 Automatic lubricating
- 25042 Гидроцилиндр
- 2723 Hydraulic system
- 28394 Servo system
- 31067 Valves
- 37249 Boom suspension system
- 43628 Hydraulic pumps with fitting parts
- 64174 Клапан обратный
- 92048 Hydraulic system
- 97774 Hydraulic system lift- and tilting system
- 98278 Гидронасос (основной насос)
- 98463 Hydraulic pipes and guard plates
- 99623 Servo system
- 22590 Engine heater
- 15689 Rotator
- 15690 Swivel
- 16080 Lifting unit
- 16084 Loading unit
- 16086 Control cylinder
- 16088 Hydraulic cylinder
- 16093 Rotator with fitting parts
- 16127 Cross member
- 1710 Hydraulic automatic attachment coupling
- 20379 Lubricating kit
- 24450 Automatic hose coupling (ahc)
- 28294 Cylinder protection
- 39951 Bucket automatic and lift automatic
- 40652 Hydraulic tool bar
- 47643 Гидроцилиндр
- 4795 Lifting framework
- 4800 Hydraulic cylinder
- 58183 Гидромотор
- 58184 Картер сцепления
- 61908 Hydraulic system rotator
- 93801 Hydraulic system for attachment bracket