Запчасти Volvo EC55 EC55 SER NO 5001-
- 46286 Двигатель в сборе
- 60298 Ремкомплект двигателя
- 32553 Головка блока цилиндров
- 60299 Крышка клапанная (головки цилиндров)
- 29670 Lifting eye
- 57531 Блок цилиндров
- 769 Картер маховика
- 60301 Шатун и поршень
- 28925 Коромысло клапанов
- 32195 Распредвал
- 48525 Timing gear casing
- 753 Timing gear
- 13902 Маховик
- 60302 Коленчатый вал (коленвал)
- 33924 Oil sump
- 41704 Engine mount
- 60303 Система масляной смазки
- 36285 Fuel feed pump
- 101592 Fuel shut-off valve
- 29266 Fuel filling pump
- 48986 Fuel tank with fitting parts
- 1227 Fuel pipes-injector
- 36537 Fuel pipes, fuel injec.pump-fuel filter
- 447 Fuel pipe - Fuel tank
- 14024 Centrifugal governor
- 8075 Насос
- 17417 Форсунка топливная (инжектор)
- 25794 Inlet manifold
- 38098 Коллектор (труба) выпускной
- 28933 Выхлопная система
- 34586 Inlet system, pre-cleaner
- 29267 Радиатор
- 32650 Система охлаждения
- 38102 Thermostat housing
- 38103 Fan drive
- 101593 Speed control
- 54694 Battery with assembling details
- 60304 Alternator with assembling details
- 36199 Starter motor, mounting
- 16652 Lighting, front
- 32143 Working lamp on boom
- 36260 Back-up warning unit
- 57468 Horn
- 32144 Стеклоочиститель лобового стекла (ветрового)
- 26324 Переключатель
- 106849 Cable harnesses, cab
- 32148 Cable harness, engine
- 46595 Cables, battery
- 54822 Cable and wire harness, main
- 93492 Cable and wire harness, instrument panel
- 44722 Electrical distribution box
- 760 Instrument panel, warning unit and information unit
- 66565 Cassette radio recorder with mounting details
- 28948 Swing gearbox
- 28949 Swing gearbox
- 86714 Pump gearbox with assembling parts
- 95241 Travel gearbox
- 18359 Поворотный редуктор (Гидромотор поворота платформы)
- 19254 Travel motor with mounting parts
- 8774 Swing motor with mounting parts
- 91354 Гидромотор хода
- 19256 Turning joint line, turning joint to travel motor
- 28954 Turning joint line, control valve to turning joint
- 54823 Шарнир поворотный
- 7393 Swing system
- 33509 Control links, travel
- 30594 Protecting plate
- 28854 Противовесы
- 19260 Рама экскаватора (ходовой части, шасси)
- 19263 Upper frame
- 19265 Upper frame
- 13767 Undercarriage, components and track guards
- 13769 Undercarriage, components and track guards
- 30597 Undercarriage, track with shoes
- 36263 Top roller
- 36488 Гусеничная цепь
- 44450 Bottom roller
- 44454 Bottom roller
- 59662 Front idler, spring package
- 13772 Operators cab
- 97161 Cab mount
- 13774 Cowl frame, cover and hood
- 30603 Cowl frame, cover and hood
- 76367 Cowl frame, cover and hood
- 89166 Door, operators cab
- 16659 Cabin floor
- 16661 Hatches under engine, hydr.pumps, cooler, m.valve and fuel tank
- 19267 Windows
- 2290 Стекло лобовое (ветровое)
- 41728 Operator seat with fitting parts
- 30475 Falling object guards
- 105046 Heating line
- 99485 Air conditioning line, cooling and heater
- 99587 Air conditioning unit line
- 49828 Air duct in cabin and cabin floor
- 39170 Instrument panel, control panel
- 35283 Spare parts kit
- 5835 Инструменты для ремонта
- 18858 Decal, inner location
- 43200 Decal, outer location
- 23857 Hydraulic system, hydraulic tank to hydraulic oil cooler
- 44455 Гидробак
- 78303 Hydraulic system, hydraulic tank to hydraulic pump
- 79040 Hydraulic system, control valve to boom and swing
- 1888 Main control valve, boom 1 and bucket and dipper arm 2 and outlet
- 72038 Main control valve, inlet and boom and boom swing
- 78253 Control valve with fitting parts
- 91551 Main control valve, travel straight forward and dipper arm 1 and boom 2
- 95194 Main control valve, travel Lh and mid inlet and travel Rh
- 32055 Гидронасос (шестеренчатый)
- 94312 Гидронасос (основной насос)
- 18826 Servo system, control valve to solenoid valve and swing motor
- 23860 Servo system, solenoid valve
- 44315 Servo system, control valve to remote control valve
- 49833 Servo system, control valve to remote control valve
- 92345 Servo system, remote control valve
- 18867 Working hydraulic, boom
- 28873 Working hydraulic, hammer and shear for boom
- 39104 Working hydraulic, dozer blade
- 57532 Working hydraulic, dipper arm
- 101594 Ковш
- 13775 Ковш
- 17439 Цилиндр ковша
- 54900 Гидроцилиндр отвала
- 69116 Лезвие отвала (аутригера)
- 33518 Boom swing cylinder
- 95761 Boom swing system
- 1549 Links to boom, mono
- 33521 Links to boom and boom cylinder mounting
- 54901 Гидроцилиндр стрелы
- 19571 Links to dipper arm
- 40196 Dipper arm cylinder