Запчасти Volvo ZL502C SER NO 0503001 -
- 2786 Головка блока цилиндров
- 97090 Engine housing
- 2787 Поршень
- 14909 Распредвал
- 2788 Timing gear housing (front cover)
- 2791 Коленчатый вал (коленвал)
- 2793 Oil sump
- 2795 Двигатель в сборе
- 2796 Oil pump, oil filter
- 2797 Масляный радиатор
- 23705 Filter - Water separator
- 3162 Fuel filter - Feed pump
- 6013 Filter - Water separator - Lucas version
- 72473 Топливный бак (бензобак)
- 3176 Fuel pipes
- 86557 Fuel pipes
- 101090 Speed adjustment - Fuel injection pump
- 3186 Injection pipes, Injection valve
- 35468 Выхлопная система
- 46262 Exhaust catalyzer
- 3199 Suction system, filter
- 3200 Prefilter - Oil bath air filter
- 3201 Fan, Blower casing
- 3203 Motor oil preheating
- 3204 Speed control
- 3206 Hand throttle
- 3207 Engine stop device
- 3208 Батарея аккумуляторная
- 3209 Alternator
- 5215 Стартер
- 22946 Additional lighting - Swiss
- 3217 Lighting, front
- 3218 Lighting, rear
- 3219 Cabin lighting
- 3220 Work lights
- 3221 Signal horn
- 4645 All-round side lamp - Preparation
- 4647 All-round side lamp
- 4648 Wiper installation
- 4649 Windscreen washer system
- 4651 Antitheft system
- 4657 Electric installation
- 4658 Electro-attachment - Drivers cab
- 4659 Battery cable and disconnect switch
- 4660 Instruments panel
- 4662 Radio
- 4664 Gearbox assy
- 104725 Variable displacement motor
- 97093 Variable displacement motor
- 102853 Valves - Variable displacement pump
- 105330 Variable displacement pump
- 4675 Hand inch control
- 81603 Inch control
- 53279 Lines - hydrostatic drive
- 35473 Мост передний в сборе
- 39034 Корпус дифференциала переднего моста
- 4681 Final drive - portal-front axle
- 4682 Housing - front axle
- 4683 Assembly - rear axle
- 4684 Differential carrier - assy rear axle
- 4685 Final drive - Portal-rear axle
- 4686 Картер (корпус) заднего моста
- 61556 Differential lock
- 4687 Temperature-regulator
- 4688 Drum brake, rear
- 4689 Brake cylinder
- 5298 Brake lines
- 5301 Hand brake
- 5750 Steering assembly
- 35477 Клапан в сборе
- 4454 Гидронасос рулевой
- 53613 Steering-hydraulic equipment - front vehicle
- 5756 Гидроцилиндр рулевой
- 61558 Steering-hydraulic equipment - rear vehicle
- 4461 Frame
- 20163 Articulation point
- 104414 Wheels
- 35480 Drivers cabin
- 4464 Floor panels and cover plates
- 35481 Engine hood
- 4465 Front mudguard
- 3555 Doors
- 4466 Rear view mirror
- 4468 Window pane
- 5328 Interior equipment
- 5329 Isolation - Cabine
- 104863 Operators seat, air suspensioned with fitting parts
- 5331 Operators seat, air suspensioned with fitting parts
- 68454 Drivers seat
- 14181 Roll-over bar
- 53622 Heater
- 14183 Compressor - Air conditioning (Bonair)
- 14184 Compressor - Air conditioning (MCC)
- 14185 Evaporator - Air conditioning (Bonair)
- 14186 Condenser - air conditioning (Bonair)
- 14187 Condenser - Air conditioning (MCC)
- 14189 Pipes - Air-conditioning system (Bonair)
- 25252 Evaporator - Aair conditioning (MCC)
- 14190 Stop block for wheel
- 14191 Lifting eyes
- 14192 Инструменты для ремонта
- 14193 Plates
- 103689 Radiateur - Installation
- 13147 Suction recoil filter
- 61561 Hydraulic lines - tilt hydraulic
- 61566 Hydraulic lines - lift hydraulic
- 61576 Lines - rear vehicle
- 61577 Гидробак
- 13164 Клапан регулирующий (распределительный)
- 13171 Line fracture safety - Lift
- 49116 Line fracture safety - Tilt
- 61822 Line fracture safety - Lift
- 61823 Line fracture safety - Tilt
- 13172 Pump - working hydraulic
- 13174 Servo control valve
- 58704 Lines - servo control
- 13175 Valves - optional hydraulic - Hydraulic hammer
- 61824 Boom suspension system (BSS)
- 61825 Hydraulic function - Nr. 3
- 61828 Hydraulic function - Nr. 4
- 61829 Optional hydraulic - Hydraulic hammer
- 105246 Attachment mounting plate - Quick change, hydraulic
- 13176 Bolt-on cutting edge
- 13177 Tipping bucket
- 53645 Combined bucket
- 61830 Side tip bucket
- 6464 Bucket without teeth
- 6466 Bucket without teeth
- 6467 Bucket with teeth
- 6471 Bucket with teeth
- 61831 Sweeper (GS 2000)
- 6475 Fork lift attachment support
- 6476 Fork tines
- 6479 Scarifier
- 6485 Load hook
- 6487 Load hook, telescopically
- 6493 Load hook, slewing
- 6494 Shovel for tree planting
- 6495 Hay fork - Dirty fork
- 6499 Attachment - Sweeper
- 6500 Sweeper (FKM 220 L)
- 6501 Levelling blade
- 26633 Lift frame
- 29194 Гидроцилиндр (цилиндр) подъемный
- 35484 Automatic loading position
- 7491 Цилиндр подъема (наклона) кузова
- 7794 Lift end disconnection