Запчасти Volvo L25F L25F
- 101289 Ремкомплект двигателя
- 59752 Двигатель в сборе
- 46701 Головка блока цилиндров
- 46702 Engine housing
- 70409 Поршень
- 46714 Valve mechanism
- 46719 Распредвал
- 46726 Timing gear housing (front cover)
- 90613 Коленчатый вал (коленвал)
- 46729 Oil sump
- 46732 Двигатель в сборе
- 46733 Насос масляный
- 46734 Фильтр масляный
- 46735 Масляный радиатор
- 42044 Fuel filter - Feed pump
- 49309 Filter - Water separator
- 70410 Fuel preheater
- 49559 Топливный бак (бензобак)
- 49561 Fuel pipes
- 83008 Speed adjustment - Fuel injection pump
- 49562 Delivery pipe - injector
- 49566 Коллектор (труба) выпускной
- 97821 Выхлопная система
- 82119 Выхлопная система
- 89749 Выхлопная система
- 50218 Inlet manifold
- 50221 Air filter, mounting
- 50222 Prefilter - Oil bath air filter
- 50224 Pre-filter - Turbo II
- 50225 Fan, Blower casing
- 50229 Engine oil preheating
- 103488 Speed control
- 70411 Hand throttle
- 88741 Engine stop device
- 50242 Alternator
- 50248 Стартер
- 50249 Apron Plate
- 50250 Стартер
- 50251 Lighting, front
- 51468 Attachment light
- 51782 Attachment light
- 70412 Additional lighting - Swiss
- 70726 Lighting, front, including parking light and day running light
- 48787 Number plate illumination
- 70727 Lighting, rear
- 48788 Cabin lighting
- 48792 Back-up lamp
- 82298 Work lights
- 88178 Work lights
- 48794 Signal horn
- 48796 Rotating beacon
- 48797 Rotating beacon
- 70728 Rotating beacon
- 90365 Rotating beacon
- 98462 Travel alarm, acoustic
- 48799 Стеклоочиститель лобового стекла (ветрового)
- 86731 Windscreen washer system
- 47092 Swiss equipment
- 47097 Heater for seat
- 47099 Hydraulic equipment
- 48811 Cables, battery
- 49870 Cable harnesses, cab
- 62922 Cable harness, back-up lamp
- 62925 Cable harness, attachmentbracket
- 62930 Hydraulic function - Nr. 3
- 70729 Cable harness, engine
- 70730 Cable harness, fan
- 70731 Cable harness, rear
- 70732 Cable harness, under cab
- 70733 Cable harness, ceiling
- 70734 Cable harnesses, control panel
- 70735 Wall socket for trailer
- 70736 Cable harness to fuel heater
- 70737 Cable harness, air-suspension seat
- 70738 Cable harness, attachmentbracket
- 70739 Attachment bracket
- 70740 Cable harness, windshield washer
- 71742 Hydraulic equipment
- 76490 Cable harness, front
- 89141 Control pressure valve
- 91991 Cable harness, air conditioning
- 92555 Boom suspension system (BSS)
- 93842 Гидронасос (основной насос)
- 96265 Electrical preparation for sweeper
- 98077 Cable harness, electr. heated rear-view mirror
- 98681 Boom suspension system (BSS)
- 93980 Electrical distribution box
- 95019 Electrical distribution unit, assembly
- 40611 Control panel
- 70741 Instruments panel
- 99340 Rocker switch panel
- 101113 Sensors, reference list
- 72590 Solenoid valves, reference list
- 40618 Radio kit
- 40628 Transfer gear box
- 39264 Variable displacement motor
- 39266 Variable displacement pump
- 39273 Inch control
- 39275 Hand inching control
- 39277 Карданный вал
- 39278 Planet axles with fitting parts
- 41519 Housing - front axle
- 75125 Final drive-front axle
- 94363 Корпус дифференциала переднего моста
- 41521 Differential carrier - assy rear axle
- 74069 Картер (корпус) заднего моста
- 95312 Final drivel-rear axle
- 86854 Differential lock
- 41531 Central brake
- 41532 Brake cylinder
- 41533 Brake lines
- 41534 Hand brake
- 85756 Steering wheel and column
- 86957 Steering column with fitting parts
- 88517 Steering column with fitting parts
- 39043 Гидроцилиндр рулевой
- 39045 Гидронасос рулевой
- 39048 Steering valve
- 39049 Steering-hydraulic equipment - front vehicle
- 39050 Steering-hydraulic equipment - rear vehicle
- 39051 Trailer Hitch
- 39053 Frame
- 39054 Frame
- 84727 Protection for lighting
- 39059 Противовесы
- 39060 Articulation point
- 39710 Wheel and tire
- 73344 Cab frame
- 39995 Cab mounting block
- 106928 Engine hood
- 39998 Engine hood
- 40001 Front mudguard
- 87916 Mudflap rear
- 90742 Foot step
- 40014 Doors
- 46141 Перила
- 46142 Mirrors
- 89446 Rear view mirror
- 70742 Window pane
- 46147 Interior equipment
- 46149 Interior equipment
- 46736 Isolation - Cabine
- 104190 Operators seat, air suspensioned with fitting parts
- 73940 Drivers seat
- 77923 Drivers seat
- 46759 Noise screening
- 46765 Roof Cover
- 69800 Air distribution
- 46501 Compressor
- 91074 Pipes - Air-conditioning system
- 98495 Air-conditioning system
- 98921 Air-conditioning system
- 99436 Condenser
- 46535 Heater, D2
- 67572 Heater - Assembly, D2
- 46540 Instrument panel
- 92758 Radio installation
- 84089 Stop block for wheel
- 41937 Инструменты для ремонта
- 102429 Sign plates and decals
- 72486 Sign plates and decals
- 41945 Гидробак
- 41947 Hydraulic lines - tilt hydraulic
- 41948 Hydraulic lines - lift hydraulic
- 41949 Hydraulic system lifting and tilting System
- 41951 Lines - rear vehicle
- 42934 Lines - hydrostatic drive
- 42935 Радиатор масляной для гидравлики
- 42936 Suction recoil filter
- 42937 Клапан регулирующий (распределительный)
- 42938 Клапан регулирующий (распределительный)
- 42939 Line fracture safety - Lift
- 42940 Line fracture safety - Tilt
- 42941 Control valve - Boom suspension system (BSS)
- 42946 Pump - working hydraulic
- 42947 Пилотный (шестерёнчатый) насос
- 42948 Servo control valve
- 43134 Blocking valve
- 81285 Servo control valve
- 43139 Lines to attachment mounting plate
- 43166 Lines to attachment mounting plate
- 43168 Hydraulic function - Nr. 3
- 43169 Hydraulic function - Nr. 4
- 43170 Auxil. pump with lines
- 67653 Auxil. pomp with lines (Skid Steer attachment)
- 67654 Auxil. pump with lines
- 67655 Leakage line - Option
- 67656 Boom suspension system (BSS)
- 67657 Attachment mounting plate - Quick change, hydraulic
- 67658 Attachment mounting plate - Skid Steer attachments
- 67659 Attachment bracket
- 78017 Attachment mounting plate - Quick change, hydraulic
- 67660 Lifting framework with assembly parts
- 67661 Lifting framework with assembly parts
- 67662 Гидроцилиндр подъемный и толкающий с запасными частями
- 67663 Гидроцилиндр подъемный и толкающий с запасными частями
- 67664 Гидроцилиндр (цилиндр) подъемный
- 67665 Гидроцилиндр (цилиндр) подъемный
- 67666 Hydraulic cylinder, tilt
- 67667 Hydraulic cylinder, tilt
- 67668 Lifting framework with assembly parts